

Friday, October 22, 2010

Messages are not in a bottle.

One of the challenges with social media, like all your marketing activities, is to stay true to your firm’s brand and message. Because of the ease, immediacy and viral effects of social media it’s all too easy to undo years of brand building with the click of a mouse.
Defining your firm’s message really begins with defining your target market. We emphasize the importance of this with clients every day. It’s easy to miss the boat by forgetting to go beyond talking about your target market to speaking to your target market. Use language and topics which are compelling to them. Write short sentences.
Zeroing in on needs, ditching the technical speak and putting your ideas into words your prospects quickly understand are key success factors in social media.
Also, be mindful of your brand’s equity in the market. Make sure your messages support your competitive differentiation. If timely delivery is one of the key service attributes that differentiates your firm, don’t let a staff person tweet about how busy they are, and how they may never catch up. (Seriously!)
Anyone — and we mean ANYONE who has the ability to post anything under your firm’s name should have training on the dos and don’ts. And, associate consequences with the latter.
Implement a “second-set-of-eyes” policy to make sure that at least one other person (preferably a marketing professional or other trusted writer) reviews what is posted for grammatical errors or typos. It’s amazing how quickly and decisively those things can erode your firm’s credibility.
Make sure all your professionals understand how your firm wants to be represented in the online world and set up policies and procedures for using social media sites.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Diving in.

It’s time.
If you’ve been putting off developing your firm’s social media strategy—it’s time for you to get your head out of that stack of dead trees on your desk and embrace what many of your prospects and referral sources already have.
Social media is here to stay.
It’s undisputed that LinkedIn, Twitter, blogging and the like are permanent fixtures in our business landscape. What is still unclear is the extent to which these tools can become an engine that drives growth, and how quickly we’ll begin to see results. There is cool stuff going on all over. If you don’t believe us check out NadenLean or Freed Maxick on Twitter or PKF Texas’ blog “From Greg’s Head” or Harding Shymanski’s group on LinkedIn.
Firms large and small are navigating the waters of social media. We at Whetstone are diving in as well. And in the next few weeks we’ll be sharing the things we’re learning with you, right here at http://thewhetstonegroup.blogspot.com . So check back often.
See you soon.
The Whetstone Group